CTF Competitions

Here you can find out about the CTF competitions that I participated in

Arab Security Cyber Wargames 2023

My write-ups to My Many challenges in Arab Security Cyber Wargames 2023

The International Competition of the Military Technical College(ICMTC 2023)
the final of Cyber Security Competition (CSC - 1)

My write-ups to many Digital Forensics challenges in Cyber Security Competition (CSC - 1)

CAT Reloaded CTF 2023 by 0xL4ugh
In this CTF competition, I was the Author of two reverse challenges

My write-ups to My reverse challenges in CAT Reloaded CTF 2023

The International Competition of the Military Technical College(ICMTC 2023)
Cyber Security Competition (CSC - 1)

My write-ups to many Digital Forensics challenges in Cyber Security Competition (CSC - 1)

Cairo ICT CTF 2022 by Cyshield

My write-ups to many Reverse challenges in Cairo ICT CTF 2022 by Cyshield

Arab Regional Cybersecurity CTF 2022

My write-ups to many challenges in Arab Regional Cybersecurity CTF 2022

Blackhat MEA CTF 2022

My write-ups to all Digital Forensics & Reverse challenges in Blackhat MEA CTF 2022
