web application development and security

Here you can know my skills in web application development and security.

  • Name : Qoutes
  • Made by: NuxtJs
  • source code: in Github
  • Details : Completed VueJs and NuxtJs courses by MaximilianSchwarzmüller on Udemy, gaining expertise in these technologies.and Developed the website using NuxtJs

  • Name : News
  • Made by: laravel
  • source code: in Github
  • Details : Created a complete news website using Laravel7, incorporating laratrust and otherpackages to optimize website functionality.

  • Name : Sanad-comunity
  • Made by: Php & mySql
  • source code: in Github
  • Details : I Developed a social communication website using PHP and MySQL, featuringmessaging between members and the ability to addaudio recordings to comments or private posts.

  • Name : Qoutes
  • Made by: vueJs
  • source code: in Github
  • Details : Completed VueJs and NuxtJs courses by MaximilianSchwarzmüller on Udemy, gaining expertise in these technologies.and Developed the website using vueJs